Monday 30 May 2011

Last chapter

Oh well, this will be the last post for this tailoring for communication project. I do love this project and I am happy with the outcome, also I am so pleased of received a lot of compliment. This is very encouraging. I do really appreciated and I will try my best to do my coming project in final years.

 Research > analyze > predict > conclusion. From there, I see things from different perspective. Inspirations are comes from everywhere and we have to think out of box. This is the most important element for communication. Be creative and sensible. Convince people of what we are saying are truth. Therefore, I take graphic design and typographic as references while I am doing the project. I am really paying attention on the layout and typographic. Sometimes, I confused what course I am taking, graphic, advertisement or fashion design. Fashion communication seem cover everything. :p

 Writing is the hardest part through the whole project. My writing skill is not good, basic essay is all right but if compare to WGSN or, their writing are really convincing and sound better. I have worked really hard on the writing part, research from internet and did a lot reading. Hopefully, they are all right. Anyway, I knew I have to improved my writing skill. I have planned to do a lot reading on this summer. So we will see!=)

I think this it is. Good bye Tailoring for Communication. I have a great time with you! LOL

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