Thursday 5 May 2011

Book Sculpture-Katya Marritz

Katya live in Clinton Hill Brooklyn, NY. Her inspirations include: topography, text, dress patterns, feminine fashion, domesticated animals, weather patterns, chairs, seafairing novels, and what it is to be a girl.

Book Sculptures by Katya Marritz. She was inspired by the a guy in Seattle who did these crazy geometric-folded books. She is creating her own kind hof visual poetry as she folds and sews these literary classics into textured and compelling sculptural statements.

I love the idea of the text drifting according to the folding pattern. It is 3D yet it shows endless dynamic as well as romantic.  Variety way to frozen the moment and extreme perspectives became a luxury trends. Love it a single story can approached to many side.

From there inspired me of incorporating 3D sculpture into the collection. The mixtures of dynamic and sculptures are beautiful, you can feel the love, joy from the silhouette,drifting according to the silhouette.  

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