Monday 23 May 2011


Completed both trend report and forecast and now I have to think how am I going to bind them up! I wanna present them as magazine style as the layout itself is according to magazine. However, the problem is I have no idea where can I get them done as magazine style beside saddle stitch. I do think of saddle stitch but this really spent a lot of time and effort. I did the forecast, only 12 pages, it took me few hours to layout. I hardly imagine how many hours I have to take for the trend report which is 40 pages. =='

I googled different way of binding. I have found mostly the magazine done it by perfect binding or saddle stitch. I like perfect binding, I have tried really hard to find where can I do it and yet I failed. I knew the trend report will look so imperfect if I do it by normal binding but .......

Perfect Binding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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