Tuesday 17 May 2011

Done the photo shoot!

Finally done the photo shoot. It was really rush and delay, good things is everyone completed it. I think we did a very good job! The photographer and models are cool, professional. We had a very good times together. =)

The photo shoot was really really rush, as for the delay in the morning, people at the list behind need to cut down the shooting time. From 15min cut down to 7 min. The photo shoot is totally different from what I planned, was turned to freestyle, no concept. However, the model is very professional, she did very well , I was a bit sad as it was pretty unfair yet this is the best solution to fit everyone before the studio close.

I have not got chance to see the images yet, I am not sure if it looking good, I am actually kinda worry the outcome as the limited time I had.. =(  Never mind, I shall see them on Friday. Hopefully there will be at least few best shoot for me to add in my trend report. God Bless...

Upload the images once I got 'em!

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